Monday, November 28, 2011

Nyan Cat All Over The Place!

So this isn't entirely new or anything, I just wanted photos of nyan cat all over Jon's sculpture 'cause it's so serious looking all the time.

I am also in the process of making more nyan cat scarves for some friends, and as soon as that's done I'll try to have some for sale for anyone who wants it :)

So on that subject, I also don't mind trying to make things you request to put up for sale either. Some suggestions I've had were yip yips, Charlie Brown hat, R2D2 hats and a couple others. Suggestions are more than welcome here :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Nyan Cat Scarf

Nyan Caaaat!

Made me a Nyan Cat Scarf the other day and I loooovveee it

The scarf is actually about 7' long. A little bit longer than I expected, I was just aimlessly crocheting across and just ended up keeping it a length that I thought was fine that I had judged while sitting... I probably shouldn't have done that, but oh well 

I also probably should've started with shaping the head,  the face, then the poptart piece first. Since I did the actual scarf first, it made it more tricky to shape the cat the way I wanted it to.

So I have this hat, that comes with "arms" which have pockets to put your hands in. I plan on making a similar one, so that's why I'm not posting a reference photo for this. Just trust me when I say it comes with arms and pockets haha. Anyway, since it comes with a pocket, I wanted to transfer that idea to this scarf (I love pockets. I don't like carrying my purse all the time since I don't really have anything but keys, phone, and ID basically). Soooooo here's the pocket part

Yes, what you see there is Darth Vader in, what looks like, Nyan Cat's butt...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Companion Cube

So I got really bored one night and randomly decided to make a companion cube. My boyfriend loves portal and I wanted to make him something (since most of all the other projects I've made were mostly just for me and my own fun). So companion cube away we gooooooo.

This project also took me a little bit of time, seeing as how I didn't really have a pattern to work off of. There were 6 panels, 6 circles to go on each panel, 8 corner pieces, and 12 center pieces. And by "center pieces" i  mean the little piece that goes in between each corner pieces. Aka there are 12 edges of a cube, and there had to be 12 thingies strapped to each edge. Anyway....

The panel was a little tricky and had to be redone several times. The first attempt was done in rows and in the shape of a square. But when I placed the circle piece on top, it just didn't look as nice and neat as I had wanted. One piece was round and the other piece was in rows and it didn't look very nice. Sooooo how can I blend the two together? Work in the round to make a square? Work in rows to make a circle? I tried the former figuring it would look too warped if I did the latter. So how do I turn it into a square from working in the round...

Luckily me, I had recently learned how to do a triple crochet. Yarn over twice, hook through loop, pull through first two loops, yarn over hook through next two, yarn over, hook through remaining hooks... At least that is what I had remembered. So if it was wrong, oopsie because that's what I did to make this anyway. Too late for corrections at this point. So I figure for each corner, I would make a tc (the rounds were done sc in each stitch while also increasing to a certain point), in between each sc. But that made the corner look too odd and not quite a square. This time I didn't have to redo the whole thing, just figuring out a corner. Long story short, I eventually figured out the right combinations of sc's and tc's along with the right number of sts in each round to make a nice corner. 

Another tricky part was also making each corner pieces. This didn't take as long as the panels though, the best way to cover 3 edges: a triangle! I used that as the basis of my pattern to make the corner pieces.

Eventually all pieces were made and sewn together and bam! A companion cube is made.

I purposefully did this without a pattern because I am in the process of learning how to make my own creations. I just want pieces that I make to be of my own original work and from a pattern that I've created myself. This is to not to say I won't occasionally look up a pattern or a how-to to help me along the way, but it's purely a guide for me to use. 

But with that being said, I think the amount of crochet'ed pieces I will be posting in the future may come a little bit less as it will take me longer to try to figure it out and get used to being able to see what it is I want to make and break it down to different geometric pieces. I'll still post as often as I can, I still sew, knit, etc, so there may be a couple of those as well. 

So for now, here is my latest creation, the companion cube :)

What better way to represent a companion cube, than with han solo and his buddy chewbacca
Hm... by "companion" did they mean friend or life long partner? Should it have been Han and Leia???

Gotta Catch 'Em All! Pokemon!

Here is a little something a buddy of mine had linked me. I've seen a couple of pokemon amigurumi things before, but these were just absolutely adorable. This is definitely going on my list of things to make.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Wikipedia says
Movember is an annual, month-long event involving the growing of moustaches/facial hair during the month of November
Otherwise known as No Shave November.  I've known about this for a little while, but it wasn't until I started making this blog that I found out that there are actually rules! Here's the pdf for any of you who wants to know what the rules are for Movember.

Well this all started when my boyfriend Kiiiirrrsss, wanted to do this for fun. I am also a full believer that by "fun" he means to see how long I could handle the whole idea of him not shaving for an entire month. The guy has super Germanic blood in him! I could also believe he has Viking ancestry also.( I call him my Viking). He can grow facial hair like nobody's business. He is in no way a clean shaven guy, he's just kept his facial hair all neat and trim. And I like it like that. But he decided it'd be sooo hilarious to grow it all out just to see how I'll handle it.

Aaaannyyway, what ended up  happening was I got bored one night and decided to have a bit of fun myself.

This little crafty project was pretty fun to do. By now I've gotten preeetttyy good at making beanies (seeing as how I couldn't stop making hats because that's all I knew how to do... work in the round..) so this project was pretty non-hectic. No patterns needed. No real thinking needed. Just crochet away. The mustache was a little tricky to figure out, but a simple combination of sc, dc, hdc, and tr I was able to figure it out in no time.

Funnily enough, it was also getting chilly so after I was done putting it all together, I got to wear it for the rest of the night...

Well sort of..

So this is my own take on Movember :)

Friday, November 11, 2011


For a sewing project, I had the idea of making one of these

but I apparently am in a crochet-ing phase and have not been able to bring myself to part from my needles. However, since Halloween is coming up soon, my sister wants me to help her make her costume, which involves my sewing machine, so perhaps a couple of sewing projects will come up from that. We'll see.

For now, taking this sewing project idea that I had, I ended up making one of these instead

My boyfriend loves owls so I made this for him. Was fairly simple,
-crochet in the round until you have about a  square, maybe the height being a little bigger than the diameter.
-flatten top and sew evenly straight across (the amount of sts being half the number of sts in the round)
-pinch off the ears
-sewed between the ears back and forth dec 1 st from each side as I go.
-beak is done in the same way as the "forehead"
-eyes : crochet 6 into a magic ring. but at the 6th stich i did this instead: insert hook into st, yarn over, pull through. now there should be 2 loops on the hook. take 2nd color yarn, pull through both loops. continue to crochet in the round with 2sc in each st.

Then voila, you now have an owl =)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tentacle Moooonssstteeerrr

Alright, I think I'm ready to give away my first project ever.
Since this one is my first, I am still learning and trying to figure out how to do all of this so please spare some patience for meeee.

This is my cthulhu hat, not the first one I made since I gave that one to my sister (or more like she pestered me into giving it to her.... sisters...). But this is one of many, the reason why there are many is because each hat was made slightly differently as I learned how to crochet. This hat was made using a J hook (if that matters to any of you) and mostly done with double crochets. The last part just means that each layer is far apart (compared to other types of stitches like single crochet). The tentacles are also pretty long, there are 11 tentacles with the two outer ones coming up to about 15 inches.

And of course, as soon as I get ready to make this post my camera goes missing. So please excuse the poor quality of photos as I had to use my webcam.

 Here you can see the tentacle lengths

And don't forget about the ears that I made!

This is a terrible photo, but using the Lego Stormtrooper as a reference for size, you can see each "layer"
The "layers" are divided out with the stitch that goes straight across like a line

So, if you would like this hat, just press the button below!
Also, since this is the first one I'm making available, feel free to post back with comments, advice, tips, etc.
<-- Press da buttan! (item is no longer available)