Saturday, November 12, 2011


Wikipedia says
Movember is an annual, month-long event involving the growing of moustaches/facial hair during the month of November
Otherwise known as No Shave November.  I've known about this for a little while, but it wasn't until I started making this blog that I found out that there are actually rules! Here's the pdf for any of you who wants to know what the rules are for Movember.

Well this all started when my boyfriend Kiiiirrrsss, wanted to do this for fun. I am also a full believer that by "fun" he means to see how long I could handle the whole idea of him not shaving for an entire month. The guy has super Germanic blood in him! I could also believe he has Viking ancestry also.( I call him my Viking). He can grow facial hair like nobody's business. He is in no way a clean shaven guy, he's just kept his facial hair all neat and trim. And I like it like that. But he decided it'd be sooo hilarious to grow it all out just to see how I'll handle it.

Aaaannyyway, what ended up  happening was I got bored one night and decided to have a bit of fun myself.

This little crafty project was pretty fun to do. By now I've gotten preeetttyy good at making beanies (seeing as how I couldn't stop making hats because that's all I knew how to do... work in the round..) so this project was pretty non-hectic. No patterns needed. No real thinking needed. Just crochet away. The mustache was a little tricky to figure out, but a simple combination of sc, dc, hdc, and tr I was able to figure it out in no time.

Funnily enough, it was also getting chilly so after I was done putting it all together, I got to wear it for the rest of the night...

Well sort of..

So this is my own take on Movember :)

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