Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tentacle Moooonssstteeerrr

Alright, I think I'm ready to give away my first project ever.
Since this one is my first, I am still learning and trying to figure out how to do all of this so please spare some patience for meeee.

This is my cthulhu hat, not the first one I made since I gave that one to my sister (or more like she pestered me into giving it to her.... sisters...). But this is one of many, the reason why there are many is because each hat was made slightly differently as I learned how to crochet. This hat was made using a J hook (if that matters to any of you) and mostly done with double crochets. The last part just means that each layer is far apart (compared to other types of stitches like single crochet). The tentacles are also pretty long, there are 11 tentacles with the two outer ones coming up to about 15 inches.

And of course, as soon as I get ready to make this post my camera goes missing. So please excuse the poor quality of photos as I had to use my webcam.

 Here you can see the tentacle lengths

And don't forget about the ears that I made!

This is a terrible photo, but using the Lego Stormtrooper as a reference for size, you can see each "layer"
The "layers" are divided out with the stitch that goes straight across like a line

So, if you would like this hat, just press the button below!
Also, since this is the first one I'm making available, feel free to post back with comments, advice, tips, etc.
<-- Press da buttan! (item is no longer available)

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