Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Nyan Cat Scarf

Nyan Caaaat!

Made me a Nyan Cat Scarf the other day and I loooovveee it

The scarf is actually about 7' long. A little bit longer than I expected, I was just aimlessly crocheting across and just ended up keeping it a length that I thought was fine that I had judged while sitting... I probably shouldn't have done that, but oh well 

I also probably should've started with shaping the head,  the face, then the poptart piece first. Since I did the actual scarf first, it made it more tricky to shape the cat the way I wanted it to.

So I have this hat, that comes with "arms" which have pockets to put your hands in. I plan on making a similar one, so that's why I'm not posting a reference photo for this. Just trust me when I say it comes with arms and pockets haha. Anyway, since it comes with a pocket, I wanted to transfer that idea to this scarf (I love pockets. I don't like carrying my purse all the time since I don't really have anything but keys, phone, and ID basically). Soooooo here's the pocket part

Yes, what you see there is Darth Vader in, what looks like, Nyan Cat's butt...


  1. OMGGGG I will buy your next NyanCat scarf!! Ahhh, I love rainbow scarves. I already have one so now I can have a special nyan-cat one, eeeeee please

  2. Haha ok I'll try to make another one soon :) I'm glad you like it so much haha

  3. OMG! if you're still making them can you make me one too! I'll definitely pay. I've been looking forever to find a good one for my best friend, she'll totally love the pocket too! Please email me at phillipvan2002@yahoo.com and title it nyan cat. Thank you!
