Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Bile Jar

My first ever first person shooter (along with crafts I also enjoy video games :D ) was L4D2. What happened was that in this one group of friends that I have, the guys were always playing it (among other games) and I would just watch or sit around and basically NOT playing the games they were playing. Then finally one day last December, one of my friends got fed up that I don't have the game and got it for me. Which was totally awesome. I started up the game and I was instantly hooked. I had played video games my entire life, but only sparingly. Growing up, I wasn't allowed to have too many video games and toys. I was a "run around outside" little girl. To give you a glimpse, my first console was the N64 which was purchased as a gift from my parents (to the family, siblings and all) about a year and a half to two years after it was already released. But I was happy and content. Got the usual games, Mario Kart, Pokemon Something-or-other (I forget the name), and only one or two others. Played the hell out of them all. Then I got a PS2, which was purchased in about the same manner: a few years after its released. But that's fine by me. And well that's the idea of how video games were treated in my household. Then one fine day, after having moved out, I purchased and built my very first computer which I am quite proud of. And well L4D2 was purchased for me and I played it like crazy. I probably shouldn't mentioned this, but I think I played about 120+ hours in my first week alone! I didn't play the first game until a few months after, and I love them both.

Anyway, my favorite character is Ellis from L4D2.

His face model is Jesy McKinney, who is seen here dressed as Ellis

Anyway, in this game, there is what you call a "Bile Bomb." A jar containing "excrement" from a zombie called a Boomer.
Here is the Boomer...

And here is the jar containing Boomer bile...

So for Halloween this year, I decided to go as Ellis and with that, I just had to make this Bile jar. I looked around Google to find out how to make this jar, and I wish I had saved the link so I could link it, but sadly I didn't. Basically what I did was take a jar (I used an empty sriracha jar), a yellow highlighter, and a LED ice cube.

Breaking the highlighter and taking the ink/filter part is basically it. This was also probably THE ABSOLUTE difficult part of this "project." I just grabbed a knife and started prying the back end out. I would not suggest any of you doing it this way. I am quite certain there are much better and more safer ways of doing this. "Thinking" just wasn't with me that day... So pulling the cartridge out, stick it in the jar you are going to use for the bile. WEAR GLOVES! I will tell you why in a little bit. Putting the cartridge under a slowly dripping faucet, the water will work its way through the highlighter extracting the ink and into the jar. One highlighter should be enough for one jar, but it all depends on you. I filled the rest of the jar with water and dropped in the LED ice cube. If you purchase a cube that only has one color, get green, or if the cube has multiple color options, choose green.

Here are the LED ice cubes

This is what the inside of the highlighter will generally look like

What my jars looked like in the dark
These are actually the same jar. I just put the photos side-by-side.
You can print out the bile jar label if you want to Google for it. My writing on the left is also part of the printout, but I couldn't make it fit so I just wrote it in myself. The "421" is also my Star Wars reference.
"TK421, why aren't you at your post?"

 So that is what I made as part of my Halloween costume this year. Don't forget to wear gloves when doing this too. Why? Well even after I washed off the fluid from my hands, I did not realize till later that I did not clean them off enough. What happened? I had gone to a party where they used a black-light and my hands were all splotchy due to the highlighter fluid. Whoops!

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