Monday, September 12, 2011

The Craft

Alright so, I love doing things. Making things. Craft stuff. I guess a little about myself is that I have adhda little bit and I get bored easily and quickly, so I go through projects and interests quickly. For now, I know how to sew, knit, and crochet, at least as far as crafts go. I never quite follow a pattern, possibly more accurately is that I am not one to hesitate before making a change to a pattern I am working on. The internet is my friend when it comes to learning how to do something new. I have a few books on crocheting and knitting that were given as gifts, but for the most part I look up web articles and occasionally the very helpful visual guide, YouTube.

I was encouraged to make a blog to show the items that I have made. So starting now, this will be my main blog where I will talk about my current projects, or someone else's projects that I like, or anything really. For the most part, let's just see where this blog really ends up going. I also hope I can remember to update it every now and then too >_<.

Another reason for me to keep up with the projects I've done is I find myself confused with patterns sometimes and I figure if I get confused, there's gotta be at least one other person who also gets confused. So this is my way of informing my fellow confused trooper how I modified it and post photos of the results. Since I get confused on patterns a lot, I find myself not following the pattern closely or even at all and I make it up as I go.

I hope you readers out there enjoy my blog and please feel free to ask me any questions you may have. Critique on my work/projects is also very much welcomed.

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